I just listened online to the heart wrenching testimony of Naghmeh Abedini. I am outraged that our President and our State Department have ignored this families pleas for help to release American Pastor Saeed Abedini. Congressman Frank Wolf R-VA, chairman of the commission that held this morning's hearing, is a stand-up man, who promised Naghmeh, Abedini's wife, that they would do anything they could to get her husband's release. I suggest they start by standing in front of President Obama in the Oval Office, and demand something be done before this man dies in a Iranian prison! They detest what he stands for, and there are many like him, including two nursing mothers, being held in the hellholes that are Iranian prisons, because of their faith. He is being persecuted as a religious dissident, and an Iranian judge claimed he was "endangering national security", and sentenced him to eight years in a Tehran prison. He now has internal bleeding, and they will continue to torture him until he denounces his Christian faith, which he WILL NOT DO!!!
The State Department claimed they did not help, because Naghmeh didn't ask for help directly. REALLY?!?!? Never mind the fact that she has proof of calls made by her with her attorney's present. The State Department obviously knew they were in deep s***, because the day she was boarding her flight to testify before Congressman Wolf's committee, she got another phone call from the State Dept., claiming AGAIN, they the only reason they weren't helping her is because she didn't ask for it.
Where the hell was Hillary Clinton, and where is John Kerry??? You know since Hillary was the BEST Secretary of State we ever had (yeah right), why wasn't she able to procure his release? Oh, that's right, she was too busy covering up her role in the Benghazi scandal. I sure hope that if I am ever overseas, and have the unfortunate fate of being taken prisoner for my spiritual beliefs, that this administration is no longer in office!
Naghmeh needs her husband, and their children need their father!
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