Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Mr. President, there is nothing affordable about Obamacare!!!

Mr. President Barack H. Obama,

Yesterday morning my husband calls me from work and informs me that our cost for our health care premiums skyrocketed from $550 a month for our family, to $1100 a month!  We cannot afford to pay that much out of pocket!  So he and our oldest will have coverage, but myself and our other 5 children do not.  I do not want to hear how great Obamacare is.  It is government bureaucracy at its worst, and my family and many others are now paying for it. Don't tell me that we should be able to keep my plan.  It's obvious that we cannot!  85% of the country was doing just fine with our personal health care plans. You and the Democrats have trashed the whole system instead of trying to find a way to insure the other 15%. I don't want any part of the Affordable Care Act. My children cannot play sports now for fear of broken bones or other injuries, and I will have to be the one to deal with their disappointment, not you!  

You claim to care about this country, but you have done nothing but make promises to give everything to almost everyone, excluding Christians and Conservatives of course!  We are hurting, and there is nothing you politicians are willing to do to make things right!  You say you are not going to negotiate, Harry Reid calls us anarchists, and Barbara Mikulski called us teabaggers. Why did you call for civility in the past, when this is how you treat us? America didn't want this law, and you rammed it down our throats anyway. We are paying a heavy price, and you all on The Hill and in the White House seem to have forgotten that you work for us, not the other way around!  If this law is so great, then why aren't you on it?

How much more must we suffer?

Danielle D. Hollars


Tehmuser said...

You as a veteran are entitled to VA health care for life. My husband received a card in the mail about it too. The kids can go on the state schip program which costs very little and isn't medicaid but a hmo plan. Your husband can choose to keep his plan or take obama's plan but those are ways to save money!

Unknown said...

Hey, Mcfly.... the VA membership isn't the point! Think past your ears please!

Unknown said...

AJ, I do receive some VA benefits for a service connected disability. However I have to pay extra for anything that is not service connected. I have used SCHIP before, and we hated it! That is why we would've rather paid for a plan that we wanted. I cannot stand government run services, and VA takes forever for everything. Before anything else can be done you have to make an appointment with your assigned Primary Care doctor for EVERY ailment. That adds up when I have to drive up there multiple times for the same thing. The point is, we liked our insurance, and we were promised that if we like our plans we could keep them! While I didn't believe that crap, it still angers me that I have to go into a program that I hate, because D.C. says so!

Mary Ann said...

Absolutely! Government run health care is not the answer. I had my kids in the Healthy Kids program in California and it was horrible. We had no choices. The dental was a joke. I now have private insurance through my job, but I can barely afford to pay for it, but I can see the doctor of my choice. The government has no right to tell me I have to carry health insurance. It violates my rights.

Unknown said...

VA is only for her service-connected injuries. Anything outside of that, and VA has a means-test program for insuring veterans. I am a veteran myself, and I have never used VA medical services. Quite frankly, the service is crap, and we have avoided it whenever we can, even paying out of pocket for some care that was related to her injuries. VA is overloaded with patients, too few care providers, and no incentive to improve. It takes forever to get an appointment. Now, image every hospital in the country with those same problems.

We don't qualify for SCHIP, because I make too much money, and we haven't qualified in years. Unless Obamacare expands Medicaid to include my income level, we will be paying out of pocket, but I won't get my hopes up.

Tehmuser said...

That isn't correct. You can receive coverage but you have to call the Va and enroll at your local va hospital. We make considerably more than any means test but we've received numerous mailings on my husband's eligibility and recently something about obama care and how it affects his va healthcare.

Unknown said...

I'm already enrolled. I needed a hip replacement after I was medically discharged from the Army in 2000. I ended up falling down the stairs before the doctors thought it was serious enough for me to actually have the surgery. Sorry, but I've had enough of VA care. Which is why we wanted a separate plan. I don't want Obamacare, and I sure as hell didn't need it...

Anonymous said...

You are saying that your husbands current coverage is skyrocketing, but did you ever go to the healthcare.gov website and see what plans they had to offer? You have the option of either keeping your current coverage or you can swap out your current plan for a more affordable plan that is offered through the ACA. And they have expanded the qualification requirements for MedicAid. To say that you cant afford coverage for your children and that they wont be able to play sports due to the ACA is ridiculous! Even if YOU dont qualify for coverage your children do. You should have really done more research prior to posting this silly letter.

Grace said...

Hi Danielle, I'm sorry to hear about that. I can say that from my end we haven't seen any increases (we get our insurance through the Federal Government as an Army civilian). I'll let you know if there are any shenanigans coming from them. Also, I think it was rather rude of Jeremy to reply with a snide comment when it was very apparent that AJ was trying to be helpful. Being rude doesn't help either sides cause.

Unknown said...

@Anonymous, you are missing the point. I DON'T WANT government run healthcare!!! I already deal with it through the VA. I have already had my children on state run healthcare before, and it sucks! That is why we paid on our own plan, to avoid dealing with political bureaucracy of gov't run healthcare So please don't tell me I need to do more research. The government will fine me if I don't sign up for their plans. How is that helping me, especially when I was perfectly happy with what we had!

Anonymous said...

what most of you don't understand is we don't want to go to a government health insurance what this mother is trying to say is that she can not keep her insurance that she liked and has been pushed off her husband insurance I am going through the same thing right now, I was just informed that I well be dropped because I can get insurance through an exchange. I refuse to sign up for an exchange and take a government plan.

Delightful Crafter said...

TO those claiming that veterans can get care through the VA, do NOT get the point!!!! It is TRUE, they can only get medical coverage for SERVICE related injuries. If they are seen for anything else, it is ALL paid out of pocket!!! My husband officially retired yesterday.. It was made VERY CLEAR about his VA benefits and what they are NOT!!! We elected to pay for Tricare (RETIRED) to cover anything over VA benefits.. WE PAY for this.. it is NOT free and Chuck Hagel has already said, he plans on making the retired Tricare program so expensive that veterans and their familie will elect to leave the program. I checked the healthcare.gov sit elast night and the cheapest program they offered for our family of FOUR is EIGHT time HIGHER then what we pay NOW!!!

Let's not even talk about the dental program that we pay for.. I just had to have all of my wisdom teeth extracted, that Metlife refused to cover because I was not BETWEEN the ages of 15 and 30 years of age...

This government run mess.. Well, you are going to get what you pay for. Not to mention the ridiculously high out of pocket copays and deductibles before the insurance even kicks in...

AND those of you who say...'JUST GO TO THE VA'.. Well, the VA hospitals are not in every town. Some veterans have to drive hundreds of miles to be seen, after waiting months to get in for a basic appointment, then wait for approved referrals. I am tired of civilians who never served assuming they know everything about the military and our benefits.

The Obama administration is already invading our children's calss romms. My 16 year old daughter came home from school yesterday, telling me that all they talked about in her HISTORY class, was the benefits of ACA are and that when they turn 18, they must enroll in the program or pay the penalties. Excuse me, but my children are sent to school to learn, not to indoctrinated.

Our Constitution makes it against the law for the Federal Government to FORCE the people to BUY a product, which is exactly what the Health CARE act is...

rewinn said...

The top post is leaving out some very important facts. If your plan was $550 a month ($6600 a year) for SEVEN PEOPLE, then you were getting some sort of subsidy, or you were not getting good coverage.

I don't know what facts you are leaving out, but the math is obvious. Either you were being subsidized or you didn't really have coverage ... or something else is going on.

JoMama said...

I won't go on about how this goes against our Constitution OR about how Obamacare is socialized medicine. I will mention the fact that the website people go to sign up for this joke of a 'health plan' doesn't mention how expensive your deductibles are going to be, which is partly what will make gov. insurance so expensive (but they know how naive you are). What I WILL mention is the fact that the IRS now has all of our most PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This is PERSONAL information that only a person & their CHOSEN physician should have access to. But now the IRS has it all... the SAME IRS that collects 'income tax' illegally... the SAME IRS that has illegally bound up political activist groups from being approved for PURELY political reasons... the SAME IRS that intimidates regular American citizens for 'infringements' that those who WORK for the IRS (at the highest levels) overlook because they feel privileged, etc.

If you aren't concerned about your government TELLING you what health care you can have then at least you should be HIGHLY concerned that one of the most corrupt agencies in the U.S. has YOUR PERSONAL health information at their disposal. These people aren't physicians, or medical workers, etc. They are government GRUNTS who know NOTHING about taking of peoples health.

But they're going to be deciding what care YOU and I and all Americans will be allowed to have. Those of you who voted Obama in the second time deserve EVERYTHING that you're going to suffer (and you ARE going to suffer). I don't have one drop of sympathy for those who pushed for and voted for this infringement of our freedom(s). It's just sad that the rest of us and our families are going to be forced to suffer too.

Just one more point for those who feel all those 'warm fuzzies' for Obama... He removed taxes on plastic surgery procedures (those procedures that Hollywood types and other wealthy doners love to get) and ADDED taxes to medical devices. Now really, who do you Obama sheeple believe your beloved leader REALLY cares about... people's health OR Hollywood MONEY? I don't blame you if you don't want to give an answer. Here's a clue... it ISN'T YOU.

Unknown said...

@Randy Winn, we had a plan that insures a family of eight, and now our premiums doubled to where we can't afford it.

Unknown said...

@Randy Winn, I will post my leave and earnings statements, along with last years tax records for us, with some information redacted, on one condition. You owe my wife an apology once you see the proof. What say you?

angie lively said...

I'm one of those pre-existing conditions people. We have never been denied insurance. I've had to pay more than average but not denied. I have not always been able to pay my bill in full at once, but have made payments and paid my bill in full with in the year or so. I have noticed that, people tend to spend money on what they care about. I have seen people that choose to get hair and nails done instead of paying bills or even buying their kiddos brand new name brand stuff they can NOT afford. We are NOT the average Americans. We live within or below our means. More people need to chose to do so. Government run anything is usually bad. I don't want government telling me who I can or can't see or that something I need isn't covered.
Socialist medicine or anything really sucks!
Obamacare (ACA) is unconstitutional and illegal!!
I pray we can break away from this entire mess!!

Unknown said...

Anonymous is very likely a member of Mr. Obama's Online Army, aka "The Ten Million Marching Morons". The sheer number of Mr. Obama's online minions makes Gru look like a piker and arguably put the "mor" in the word "moron". That said, if Anonymous claims to be a "silly" subject matter expert, I will take hIm or her or it at his/her/its word. That said, I do believe that Anonymous means well. "Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by ignorance and stupidity" - Napoleon Bonaparte

Carolyn said...

Awesomely said!
God Help America if this monstrosity stays in place!! America doesn't need socialism. I wish people would wake up to the ramifications of what this will do if our so called representatives don't throw the whole thing out!

Unknown said...

@Randy Winn, are incorrect about the fact that this family could not have had coverage for the amount they said. Family plans don't generally specify an amount per family member. If you sign up for family coverage, it doesn't matter if you have one child or ten, you pay the same premium. A couple of years ago I changed jobs. Until I was eligible for benefits at my new job, I went on my husband's policy at work. At the time, they did not offer employee plus spouse, so we had to go to the family policy. It was less than the $550 premium Danielle mentioned and was certainly not a catastrophic or bare bones policy. It was a full Blue Cross policy covering doctor visits, tests, screenings, prescriptions, hospitalization, you name it. Most people's employers pay part of the premium as a benefit to them. Also, premiums can vary in different states, so they may live in a state where coverage is less expensive. So yes, it is more than possible that Danielle's family could have had family insurance for $550 monthly.

evilpassion said...

Because I am in a odd income group - there is a slight area where people do not have an adequate income but do not qualify for subsidy -- insurance for ONE person will be over half my income. I've tried all the calculators, they all say the same thing. People all over my area are in this boat because this is a very low income area. How can you pay half your income, have a huge deductible and still pay 60% of your cost? this is ridiculous. I also don't believe it is legal for a second.

Anonymous said...

So Randy Winn, you are calling Danielle a liar? I run the payroll/benefits desk at work. An employee can cover themselves, a spouse and their children for $530.84 per month. Employee only coverage is $79 per month. A self-funded plan , Cigna, PPO, $500 individual deductible or $1500 family deductible. 90% of office visits and facility covered by insurer. $20 copay. Unlimited chiropractic care and acupuncture.
So Randy, seems you owe Danielle and her husband an apology.

JoMama said...

Was reading new comments today and noticed that after several comments PROVED Randy Winn incorrect he hasn't bothered to comment again... not even to give a very deserved apology.

How typical of liberal's caught with their pants down... they run and HIDE. It's pretty sad that he isn't man enough to apologize. But yeah.. that would mean he'd have to be willing to ADMIT that he was wrong (again, a concept FOREIGN to liberal/progressives)!