Friday, March 01, 2013

Chris Plante Show parodies!

These are a couple of wonderful parodies of the debacle that is our government. In honor of "Our Dear Leader"!!! Featuring Skyfall with democrat sequester audio, put together by Rob Carson and Michael Piercey from WMAL in D.C. Enjoy!!!


Ann North said...

Hi Danielle,

I discovered your wonderful through google. I was looking for Conservative women from North America who believe in traditional values and who involve themselves in government affairs.

I am a Conservative mother from Canada.I am a proud stay at home mom to three young girls and a devoted wife of a travelling husband.
I have been married for over twelve years and I strongly believe in the family unit and the traditional values and principles that built our great nations.
I am saddened by what is happening in United States and I followed the last election closely hoping that the Mitt Romney wins. Unfortunately, Obama won his second term and I fear this will spell the end of America as we know it.

Its nice to see more women who believe in the same and never give up the fight.
Keep up the wonderful work!

Sincerely, Ann.

Unknown said...


Thank you so very much for your kind words! I will follow your blog as well!!!

Kindest regards,